
Children with learning challenges are often isolated in school and amongst family and peers. They may struggle to focus, seem unwilling to learn and unable to keep up with their grade level. They are often labelled as "Mischievous, lazy, distracted ...etc". This may impact the self-esteem and confidence of the child.

Without the right support, these children will continue to feel isolated, unworthy, sad and angry. These feelings may manifest in their behaviour till it becomes a way of life.

ENRICH MINDS is created with the sole purpose of keeping children's needs first.

The curriculum at schools now calls for teachers to prepare students in content-rich and knowledge-intensive information and thinking skills that is essential for greater complexity. This means that there is now a higher level of expectation for problem solving versus the memorization of facts. New approaches and channels of teaching are thus required.

We use several educational therapy techniques and learning strategies to motivate children to learn, think and reason critically as also expect more of themselves. Content is modified and made more child-friendly in order to be appropriate to the readiness of the child to learn that skill. By building and strengthening these fundamental skills, we help to motivate children to be academically and intellectually independent.